Girl reading a book on the beach. Flat vector.
In 20 days the ninth book in the Haunting Danielle series, The Ghost and the Mystery Writer, goes live! If you purchase your eBooks at Amazon, you can pre-order now, and it will be automatically delivered to your Kindle on the day it goes live.

Readers have asked, will there be a Book 10? Yes!  As long as I have more stories to tell about Danielle, Walt, and the rest of the Frederickport gang–and as long as my readers continue to want the stories, I will keep on writing!

I was hoping to get up to Oregon this summer to visit our son and daughter-in-law, and to visit the coast for some inspiration, but it looks like that will have to wait. Yet, we will be visiting up around Morro Bay in October. Not exactly the Oregon coast, but at least it gets me to the ocean!

Hope everyone is enjoying their summer and getting in some good summer reads.


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