
Gun Control, is it Unconstitutional?

More than half of our country wants more comprehensive gun control. For the people out there who like their guns, this doesn’t mean the majority wants to take away everyone’s guns, despite what the NRA keeps telling you. In fact, many of those people are gun owners. But the NRA loves saying that, because people who believe them run out and buy more guns. It’s great for the gun manufacturers’ bottom line.  

It’s possible those children and teachers in Uvalde might still be alive today if there were background checks, waiting periods, and a higher age limit. 

About now some of you might be saying, “If someone wants to get a gun, then they’ll find some way to do it.”

True. But why do you want to make it easier on them? While it won’t prevent all shootings, it will prevent some. And if we save even one life, isn’t it worth it?

I suppose about now some of you say it is YOUR right to buy a gun—any gun—whenever you want, because that’s what the 2nd Amendment says!

But does it really?

The 1st Amendment, which states, “Congress shall make no law … abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press.” means (according to the Supreme Court) that it protects all types of speech and press, even pornography. BUT the court ruled that there are two types of pornography it does not protect, obscenity and child pornography.

So, even though the Constitution never expressly excluded “obscenity and child pornography” when adding the 1st Amendment, the Supreme Court limited free speech.

In my opinion, obscenity is rather vague, but I totally agree with the child pornography ruling, because it is our duty to protect children. Of course, this does not mean child porn laws stops all child porn.

And now, to the 2nd Amendment. Why can’t we regulate guns like we do speech, to protect children? Both guns and speech/press are protected under the constitution. Why should guns be exempt when it comes to protecting children, but speech/press isn’t?

According to what I’ve read, 98% of mass shootings are committed by men—young men, typically under 33, often 18 or younger. Why make it so easy for an 18-year-old male to buy a firearm like the one used in Uvalde? 

There is an old saying about not reinventing the wheel. If we want to find a solution to this problem, why aren’t we studying what other countries are doing? Why is it just our country that seems to have this problem?

And I don’t believe this is a state issue—it should be a federal issue. It’s useless to have background checks, waiting limits or age requirements in one state, when all someone has to do is cross the border into another state and buy a weapon.

Congress needs to at the very least open a discussion. But as long as the NRA continues to buy Senators, they will keep avoiding examining real solutions, and continue to focus primarily on more good guys with guns.  But we all saw how that worked out in Uvalde.