My mother—one of my dearest friends and greatest champions—passed away less than two weeks before the last election. While Mom’s death was not a surprise, after all she was 96 years old, suffered from dementia, and was on Hospice—I was still in the early days of processing her death and my grief.

 Then came the election results, and I had another loss to process.

I’ve heard some people claim MAGA supporters see the elections as a sporting event. They put on their red hats, dress up in flag-like apparel, and adorn their vehicles with flags and banners. And when they lose—or win—their reaction is similar to a loss or win of their favorite team. 

As for me, I keep thinking of that viral video of the Trump supporter sobbing after his last loss, begging him to come back and save her and our country. She was quite dramatic.

It’s interesting to me, because the loss I feel is not about any of those things. 

You see, I am not sad for my team, because for me it was never akin to a sporting event. Plus, I’m not a sports fan.

Nor am I sad for myself, like that sobbing Trump supporter.

And the loss I’m experiencing has nothing to do with any sadness I might feel for our country. 

The grief I’ve been processing regarding the last election is about a profound sense of disappointment in my fellow Americans—especially family members who decided to vote for him, or people whom I consider friends. 

It is a visceral, gut wrenching, sadness in people. I have always been an optimist. I’ve always held onto the belief that people are inherently good. But now I ask, are they?

This is not about politics. Had someone like Liz Cheney been the GOP candidate and won, I would not have been happy, because I disagree with her politics. BUT I would not be experiencing this gut wrenching disappointment in my fellow Americans.  

 Our country has put into office a man who, like an adolescent, calls his adversaries insulting names. He is a serial cheater and womanizer, who partied with Epstein, bragged about grabbing women between their legs and hitting on married women, and lacks any decorum or diplomacy.

He has publicly mocked a disabled journalist, insulted POWs, dodged the draft with suspicious bone spurs, is an adjudicated rapist and has been convicted of 34 felonies. He is obsessed with revenge and can easily be swayed with excessive flattery. I could go on with my list, but what would be the point? None of that mattered.

Many of his supporters cheer on his behavior, claiming it makes him more relatable—he is just like us! Not sure how that is a flex.

But people I care about voted for this man, and my disappointment in them is profound. It is a little like discovering someone you care about is now best friends with a guy who went on a crime spree in your town, which included manhandling women, stealing from charities and improperly taking sensitive files from his last job, and the only reason he didn’t go to jail for any of his crimes is because he got out on a technicality. He never apologized for any of his crimes, just denied or made excuses, despite the evidence. He also likes to mock the disabled guy who works at the grocery store, and when he sees a woman who doesn’t give him the attention he desires, he lets everyone know he thinks she is fat or ugly. Despite all of that, your friend thinks the guy is terrific.

(Photo: About losses. Mom on the left.)

7 comments on “Loss is not always the same.

  1. Wen

    Great books by the way…..God Bless America….you should tune in to the Bible and see that God allows the Kings to rule HIS way. We’re all going to hell no mater the outcome of any election…to assure that is not the case, become aborn again. I am grateful the flow of illegals will be halted. I want my family to be safe, I am sure you do too. This day was also celebration of MLK day!

    1. Bobbi Holmes Post author

      Umm…you do realize Trump is not a King, right? But he has broken most of the Ten Commandments. FYI, I have read the Bible. While I believe the Bible was inspired by God—as are many books—I do not believe it is God’s ultimate rule book. Why? Because too many men were instrumental in selecting which texts would make it in the final cut. It is one thing to have faith in God, another to have ultimate faith in men I never met.

      As for the going to hell thing—I don’t believe in a fiery hell. I don’t believe in a sadistic God. I personally believe our spirits come here to learn lessons and when we die, we move on.

      I don’t believe God is a chump. A chump would be influenced by a suddenly repentant sinner who is angling for a golden ticket after a lifetime of debauchery. God would know what is in one’s heart.

      As for Trump. I do believe God sent him. He is our test. And in my opinion, many Americans are woefully failing.

      A side note. I am glad you are enjoying the series. The series took off the year after my mother-in-law, Doris passed away. Doris lived with us, as did my mother. Doris loved Angels. She collected them. She also went to church every Sunday. I firmly believe she has been my muse–my guardian angel–the one on my shoulder whispering in my ear. Now my Mom is with her. Curious to see how the next year goes.

      Happy MLK Day!


    I understand exactly Bobbi. I am 69 yrs old and live in Australia. A great place to live…with ‘normal’ hopefully honest politicians. I was shocked. I never for a minute thought the American people would support such a person…but even more so when two of my beloved family members were pleased he got in. He has none of the qualities we were brought up to honour and live by. I just hope that someday people will eventually see the light and remove him from office…and make him pay for what he has done. He is another vicious dictator…just like Putin.Sadly for America, I hope he doesn’t do too much damage before that happens. And you know what scares me even more??? The example to the children of those obsessed supporters, what hope do they have.Hang in there Bobbi, I too am an optimist, so I am hopeful.

    1. Bobbi Holmes Post author

      Let’s hold onto that hope!


    Bobbi, I just saw a You Tube of Bishop Mariann Budde speaking to Trump in the congregation at the Inauguration Prayer service. What a wonderful person she is. I hope the whole of America gets to watch her speech and her Bravery. Being a woman and asking him for what he is not willing to give and his past history, I fear for her life. The little snippet afterwards of someone asking him what he thought of the sermon says it all.
    I hope she has a possie and God looking after her.

    1. Bobbi Holmes Post author

      Funny you should mention that. I just read how some idiot representative from Georgia (a Mike Collins) sent out a tweet saying they should add her to the deportation list. Umm…she is from New Jersey.

      Yes, let’s deport a US citizen for practicing her religion and free speech, both of with are supposed to be protected by our Constitution. But of course, too many of our elected officials take an oath to protect the Constitution and then say something idiotic like this.

      Oh, and there were Trump supporters in that twitter thread (ok X) who complained her service (She is an Episcopal Bishop) was too woke. Ummm, have any of those “Christians” ever read about Jesus? Jesus is like one of the wokest dudes ever! I rather like Jesus. A lot.

  4. Michelle

    I am 100% with you. I don’t understand how people have forgotten what he has done. He tells you who he is, he always has. It’s like they don’t believe him. But then he lies and takes back what he says. And he says it’s fake news. He says he’s going to make the country strong again. But all he’s doing is making himself and his rich friends richer. The middle class people, are going to pay dearly for the next four years. If we can even get him out of office at the end of four . I’m also very disappointed in people.

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