There are probably some shoppers over on Smashwords, Sony and other sites Smashwords distributes to, looking for Christmas books, that think the author Bobbi Ann Johnson Holmes (me) is daft. Or just plain nuts. Or perhaps some sort of lame con artist.  After all she’s trying to sell a Christmas eBook for $100, when the same book goes for 99 cents at Amazon and Barnes & Noble. I mean really, what is up with her?

I wish I knew! Actually, I sort of  know.

A while back (I honestly can’t remember when) I was uploading a new file for The Story of  the Christmas Village over at Smashwords. Sometimes when I’m not sure about a file, I’ll price it high while I am working on it, so no one will stop by Smashwords and pick up a copy before I’m done. I often sell an eBook or two on Smashwords right after publishing.

I figured, who would pay $100 for a little Christmas eBook? Apparently no one – which is a good thing. But here’s the problem. Somewhere along the way I got distracted – not sure what happened – or maybe I simply forgot to change the price – but today, when I looked over on Smashwords, I noticed the book was priced at $100! I checked Sony, and they also had the $100 eBook, but Kobo didn’t. I haven’t checked the other vendors, I simply unpublished the book at Smashwords.

I need to take the time and check the file that’s currently posted at Smashwords, and make sure it’s what I want.  It might take a week before it comes off the other vendor sites.  So for now, unless you want to bay a hundred bucks for it – you can just get the eBook at Barnes & Noble and Amazon – for 99 cents!

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