Looking Forward

It’s been about a month and a half since my last blog post. It’s April 1st today. I’ll confess, I’m not a big fan of April Fool’s Day. It’s always seemed a little mean spirited to me. You are free to accuse me of lacking a sense of humor. That’s okay. But to me April Fools is more about betraying someone’s trust for a laugh. That being said, let’s move on to another topic.

Several days ago, the 32nd book in my Haunting Danielle series, The Ghost and the Wedding Crasher, was released in eBook and paperback formats. It will be coming out in audiobook format in the near future. How near? I don’t know yet. But as soon as I find out, I will let you know!

My next book in the series, The Ghost and the Twins, is slated for release the end of October. That book is available for preorder at three venues. 

That knee replacement surgery I’ve mentioned in previous posts has been rescheduled for May 3. I’m hoping to get my garden planted before I go in for surgery. Our son and daughter-in-law has already prepared the gardening beds for planting. (See photo above.) They will have their own garden next door—and it is MUCH larger than ours. 

For now, I’m trying to get things in order before I go in for surgery next month. While I’m recuperating, I’ll have a book to write! 

Author Update

Rainy day in Oregon. I wonder what Walt and Danielle are doing. Think it’s raining in Frederickport? Probably.

In ten days, I was supposed to have knee replacement surgery. Unfortunately, last week my sister got knocked over by her son’s playful dog and broke her hip. She was supposed to come up and watch Mom for three weeks. The good news, her surgery went well, she is on the mend, but her recovery will take about three months, so no taking care of Mom for her.  

But it wasn’t just about finding another caregiver for Mom; the hospital called days after my sis broke her hip and told me they had to postpone the surgery because of an anesthesiologist shortage. I’ll be rescheduling for the surgery center, instead of the hospital, but will push out the surgery for April (hopefully). It will give me time to finish The Ghost and the Wedding Crasher and make arrangements for Mom.

In other news, the audiobook for my last book, The Ghost and the New Neighbor, will be released in a couple days—on January 17, 2023. Once again, the talented Romy Nordlinger is our narrator. 

My last couple posts have been about signed copies of my books—something I am now offering after repeated requests from readers. I have been trying to fine tune the process and expanding my offer. To learn more about getting a signed copy of one of my books—not just books from the Haunting Danielle series—click here.

Order a signed copy of your favorite Haunting Danielle book!

Order a copy of your favorite Haunting Danielle paperback (regular print) book signed or inscribed by the author.

Cost: $12.99 per book + shipping/handling

Shipped Media Mail, USA Only

How to order?

1. Send your check to Robeth Publishing at P.O. Box 192, Boring Oregon, 97009.

2. Include the title or titles of the Haunting Danielle book/s you want to order.

3. Include payment of $12.99 per book plus shipping/handling. (See shipping costs below).

4. Include requested inscription. 

    (For example, “To Jane, from Bobbi Holmes”)

5. If no inscription is included with order, each book with be signed with just, “Bobbi Holmes.”

6. Include your email address where we can reach you.

7. Include your shipping address. Sorry, we can only ship to the USA.

When will you receive your book/books? 

After we receive your order, you might receive your order within a week—or up to a month.

Why could it take up to a month?

There are several reasons. We only go to the post office once a week, not every day. Plus, if we don’t have your requested book in stock, we will need to order it. After it arrives, it will be inscribed, packed, and then taken to the post office on the next day we go.

If you have any question, you can email us at Robeth@robeth.com

If you are interested in any other inscribed books by this author written under Bobbi Ann Johnson Holmes, or under the pen name Anna J. McIntyre, contact us by email. 

EDIT: Because of the positive response to signed books, we’ve expanded our offer. Click here to learn more!