Many of my readers have asked why the long wait for the next Haunting Danielle book. I typically release four Haunting Danielle books a year, but the last couple have been spaced farther apart, and the next one won’t be released until the latter part of January. Why? my readers ask.

The answer is simple. Life has been giving me other demands I need to deal with, which have been taking a great deal of my time. One is my 93-year-old mother, who lives with us. Mom suffered a stroke the end of 2019. Since then, she has been diagnosed with vascular dementia, and I’ve become her full-time caregiver.

But Mom is not the reason for the date of my next release. While she is a contributing factor, there are other issues at play.

First, we are moving—leaving our home of some 17 years in Arizona and heading to Oregon, to be closer to our son and his wife—and closer to an airport which will make visits with our daughter and her family much easier. Plus, I will be closer to Walt and Danielle.

Next week Mom will be going to my sister’s house in Morro Bay, California, where she will be staying for a month, until we get settled in our new home. Then my sister will be driving Mom up to us.  The movers are arriving around September 7th, and after they pack up the house, Don and I, along with the pups, Danny and Lily, will be heading for our new home in Oregon in our motorhome.

To make things more exciting—we have never seen the place in person. Crazy, right? Yet our son and daughter-in-law have seen it, and the Realtor who helped us is a childhood friend of mine. We realized if we wanted to make this move, it would be impossible to go property hunting so far away, during a pandemic and with my mother.

Another reason I must push the next book out farther—I need a knee replacement. Several months ago, I went to the doctor to check on my knee, which kept going out. He told me I need a new one.  My husband had a knee replacement, so I am aware of what I’m facing, along with the time involved. 

It was impossible to get the knee done before our move, so I got the injections to hold me over until surgery. At first, they seem to work great, but recently, my knee goes into this spasm-like Charlie horse thing, where it seems to take on a painful life of its own and tries to jump off my leg.  It usually happens when I am in bed and turn wrong. 

Anyway, what this all means, after we get settled in our new home, arrange Mom’s room and move her here, I need to find an orthopedic surgeon in Oregon and see about that knee. When I get all that done, I can focus on my next Haunting Danielle book. And while I won’t be getting the book out until January, it doesn’t mean I haven’t started working on it; I have.

We’ve some hectic weeks ahead of us. There are stacks of filled cardboard boxes in every room (see above photo). This morning the shredder arrives and will be destroying some twenty boxes of old documents and receipts. We’ve already donated numerous boxes of items to the Hospice gift shop, and we still have some furniture to donate and get moved. 

In the meantime, I am thrilled with the positive reception I have received over my recent release, The Ghost and the Birthday Boy. Each time I put out a new book I fear my readers might tell me, “Okay Bobbi, time for you to wrap this up, it is getting stale.” But so far that hasn’t happened, and you have no idea how positive reviews inspire my creativity and desire to write. I love working on this series, and I hope living not far from Walt and Danielle will give me more inspiration and story ideas.

Stay safe everyone! 

36 comments on “Why the wait for The Ghost and the Church Lady?

  1. Cindy Z

    I have enjoyed your books so much, that I’ve read them over several times ☺️. So as you take care of yourself and your busy life, I’ll just start all over and read them again until you’re ready! Thank you so much and take care

    Cindy Z

    1. Sarina

      I fell in love with this series and your writing style right away! This series needs to become a Television series! It would absolutely amazing. I listen to the audio books. Please keep them coming!
      Best wishes to you and your family!

      1. Bobbi Holmes Post author

        Thank you!!Sorry for the delay in response. We have been in the process of moving out of state. I have not been on the computer.

    2. Kelly Mathis

      I feel the same way. Love these books so much, every time the new one comes out, I start with #1. Thank you and Congrats on your new life.


    I love your books and they are worth the wait. You are in my thoughts and prayers. Family and health ALWAYS come first in life.. Sincerely, Cathy


    Bobbi, you are in my prayers for a fast and not too painful recovery.

  4. Debbie Burns

    Please take care of yourself and your family first!

  5. DeAna A Manns

    Bobbi, I too am caregiver to my 92 year old father. Although my sister and I haven’t been able to move him into our home yet we are hopeful that it will happen soon. I also had my right knee replacement surgery 7 weeks ago. It is quite the process but it is good to have it done. God bless you on your new journey with your move to Oregon!! I have visited there several times and it is glorious!! Moving isn’t easy but it will be rewarding for all of you!! From your adoring fan, DeAna Manns in Centralia, Illinois.

  6. Marcia Dowell

    Your books are worth the wait and wishing you a safe journey.

  7. lthomas1012

    As much as it pains us to wait, your books are always welcomed and everything else just stops till done reading. Love the Danielle series as you already know. If you can’t take care of yourself first then how do we expect you to take care of us with your writing. You are worth it. Enjoy Oregon, right now a hard place to be, was there two weeks ago. But how nice to be by our kids right? Take care and be safe! We Love you as an author!

  8. mtiptontribemtiptontribe

    avid readers are reading addicts. but, we all have heart. sending you extra angels to give you strength to take care of family. many of us wish we could help and understand your plight. waiting for you to be able to share your gift of writing is worth the wait. do not fret about us

  9. Judith Westerheide

    Thanks for caring so much about your readers that you offered this explanation. We care about you, too. Best wishes.

  10. Patti Foster

    I have listened to this series on audiobooks mostly, but have purchased the last several in ebooks, as I can’t stand to wait for the audiobooks to come out! Have been through the whole series twice! I love your characters, both the dead and the living, and the closeness of the mediums and their circle of friends. The interaction between those ‘in the know’ and those ‘clueless’ makes it even more interesting. I hated it when Marie died (her story was great, though!), but I love it that she’s still around, and such a sweetheart! You have created such a unique group of friends, and your story lines are always most interesting! You blend the history that Walt lived with the ‘now’ so well! But life happens … need to take care of yourself, and your family, and get settled in your new home. Prayers for a smooth recovery and rehab! I’ll never get tired of this series!

  11. Carolyn Walah

    We could swing by on our way home from Colorado and help unpack!

    1. Bobbi Holmes Post author

      Carolyn, do you realize it has been almost two years since we used the motorhome–and that was our trip with you guys! Our trip up to Oregon this time won’t exactly be a vacation, but I’m looking forward to seeing what Scott and SeAnne got us to buy, LOL. Love to see you and Dave any time. Stay safe!

  12. Joann Kolden

    I love every one of your books! Thank you for continuing Danielle, Walt’s and everyone’s stories. But you really do not need to explain why you are not writing as fast these days. Everyone has a life to lead and you are entitled to your’s without giving your readers every detail. We will stay true to you! Best of luck with all that is happening! Thank you for sharing your wonderful talent with all of us and making these fascinating people come to life!

  13. Cindy Russell

    I found the very first Haunting Danielle book, The Ghost of Marlow House, as a free ebook and my life has never been the same! I gobbled up these books so quickly, not even realizing how many books were out there in this series until I hit the road block that was The Ghost and the Mountain Man…instead of for sale, it said pre-order and my mind could not comprehend that I was going to have to WAIT FOR THE NEXT BOOK LOL
    I just finished The Ghost and the Birthday Boy last night and have pre-ordered The Ghost and the Church Lady. I hate/ love the anticipation of peeking back into the lives of everyone on Beach Drive. Keep writing because I can not get enough!!! I think I speak for all your fans when I say we would hand carry the boxes to Oregon ourselves if it meant the books would come out faster. Prayers for you and your mom, caregivers are the angels here on earth but don’t be afraid to ask for help, even angels need a helping hand from time to time.
    Hugz to you Miss Bobbie from your newest fan,
    Cindy in Indiana

  14. Mystii

    Your stories have helped me spend many a quite afternoon. I found your first book as a free ebook too. Now, 28 books later, I can truly say I’m addicted. I feel like I know these people and not spending time with them is hard! But, there is a pandemic and many of us have not seen family or loved ones for quite a while. I guess Danielle, Walt and all of your other colorful characters, will be back again. And that is enough. For now 🙂

  15. Kit

    I love these books, and as disappointed as I am that the wait will be longer for your next one, I completely understand. Having been a caregiver to my mom for 3 yrs, it was exhausting even with the help of my husband and daughter. You have even more on your plate with a move and needing a knee replacement, so my being inconvenienced shouldn’t be a speck on your radar. Wishing you well with the move, your mom and the surgery\recovery.

    1. Bobbi Holmes Post author

      Thank you for the kind words! Sorry for the delay in response. We have been in the process of moving out of state. I have not been on the computer.

  16. Ruth L Womack

    Hello I love your books. I enjoy listening while I am driving. Sometimes I sit in the car when I get home and listen. I wish the halmark mistory channel would pick them up for a series.

    Ruth Womack
    Fleming Island Florida

    1. Bobbi Holmes Post author

      Glad you are enjoying them! I love how our narrator, Romy Nordlinger, brings the characters to life!

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