I am thrilled to announce the Coulson Family Saga—which I wrote under my Anna J. McIntyre pen name, will be released in audiobook format in 2020, by Dreamscape Media.

The Coulson Family Saga includes five books: Coulson’s WifeCoulson’s CrucibleCoulson’s LessonsCoulson’s Secret, and Coulson’s Reckoning. It tells the multigenerational story of the Coulson Family, beginning in the early 1900s and bringing us to current times.

2 comments on “News for the Coulson Family Saga!

  1. Rob hugbes

    Him Bobbi, What style of books are these? Ghosty, paranormal etc?

    1. Bobbi Holmes Post author

      No, more romance, mystery and drama–family saga.

      I would consider Haunting Danielle rated G, the Coulson Series is rated R….more romance and drama, and dealing with serious real life issues. It is one reason I write the books under another name, so as not to confuse my readers. I understand many of my Haunting Danielle readers would not like the Coulson series.

      I wrote the first book in the Coulson series over 20 years ago–and the final book in the series (there are five) about six years ago.

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